An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

Don’t Pay Any Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain


(AP) Greenspan Pushes Social Security Cuts

I’m taking a few days to go visit family…Fred and Bert will return on Tuesday with another Hail Dubyus!

How EWSE Can I Become Woowuh Of The Wowuld?


(Reuters) Schwarzenegger Backs Amending U.S. Presidential Rule

The restriction ain’t about whether or not it’s a global economy, Ahnold…it’s about whether even naturalized aliens can have a love of the country that a native can have.

Ralph Of The Dead


This from the 2000 election on Democrats.com: BUSH BACKERS BUY ADS FOR NADER IN SWING STATES

and from Outside.com, “All Bulworth, No Rhythm”,“Which, Nader confided to Outside in June, wouldn’t be so bad. When asked if someone put a gun to his head and told him to vote for either Gore or Bush, which he would choose, Nader answered without hesitation: “Bush.””

keep looking »