An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

Would They Have Gotten As Upset If He Was A White Guy Dept.


(Reuters) FCC Reviews ‘Desperate Housewives’ Football Promo

The Lone Stranger Rides The Wrong Way Again


(AP) Powell: U.S. Rejects Ukraine Vote Results

(AFP) US Congress to investigate irregularities in November 2 vote

Yupyup, the Ukrainian election is bad, but OURS was GOOD! Despite the exit polls not corroborating results where there was no paper trail…

I AM…Tomdelayo…


(LATimes) House GOP Alters Its Rules to Shield Combative DeLay

(Reuters) Accuser of House Republican Leader DeLay Chided

The Party closes ranks and accuses the accuser of violating ethics…REPUBLICAN style. Y’all have safe holiday travels and the best thanksgiving dinner you’ve ever had. Fred and Bert and I will return Monday…Take care now 🙂

keep looking »