An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

Making Sure To Fleece The Seniors Who WON’T Be Fleeced By Social Security ‘REFORM’


(AP) Bush Threatens to Veto Medicare Changes

Folks, Dubya worked hard to ensure the profits for them drug companies under the guise of providing coverage for seniors. Let’s make sure those profits go to his friends and not allow seniors to get cheap drugs from that third world backwater manufacturing unsafe drugs to our north–you know, the one that provided us with flu shots? Have a good three-day weekend 🙂 We’ll be back on Tuesday.


Due to pressing family affairs, I will not be able to update HAIL DUBYUS! tonight. HAIL DUBYUS! will appear on Friday morning and then on Tuesday after the three day weekend…

SEE Civil Liberties Destroyed, SEE Rights Of Citizens Trampled Upon, SEE Naked Girls Given To Fatcats For Perverse Pleasures!


Lady Liberty Under Attack By Marjorie Cohn…“One of the most heinous parts of this bill is section 102, which would empower the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend any and all laws in order to ensure the “expeditious” construction of a set of barriers and roads to keep illegal immigrants out. Then, it prohibits any judicial review of the Secretary’s decision to suspend any law.” Marjorie Cohn, a contributing editor to t r u t h o u t, is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, executive vice president of the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S. representative to the executive committee of the American Association of Jurists….

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