An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

We Went To The Unnamed Detainee Who Allegedly Alleged The Allegations And Take Our Word For It, He Said It Didn’t Happen…RIGHT!


(TheNation) Newsweek Was Right: Part II

(Reuters) Pentagon says detainee retracts Koran allegation

The FBI, the Red Cross, Amnesty International, all found incidents of Qur’anic abuse, but we’re supposed to believe the people responsible for the abuse when they say it didn’t happen…ring around the rosie! Have a good Memorial Day Weekend, folks, the guys and I will be back on Wednesday…

The Price Of Liberty Is Eternal Vigilance


So who won? Was the filibuster fight won? The filibuster was preserved, but at the cost of a promise not to use it except in extraordinary circumstances? And what happens to the outrageous nominees of Emperor Bush? A few of them were guaranteed up-and-down votes. But none of them have been eliminated. Frist insisted that the nuclear option, which the Republicans have named in Orwellian-Rovian manner, the “constitutional” option, remains on the table, to be reactivated if HE deems the filibuster to be abused. And, Frist reminded everyone that he had not been party to the agreement. In other words, he doesn’t consider himself bound by its terms. Sounds to me that Frist raised the ante, threatening to illegally do away with the right of debate, and won the concession of allowing several extremist judges to be seated and the right to filibuster has been retained only under severely limited circumstances…

‘This is how liberty dies: with thundering applause.’


A Message From Fred’n’Bert (and me)

The vote to end the power of the filibuster will take place tomorrow. While use of the filibuster has sometimes been abused, it nonetheless remains the chief weapon in the arsenal of a minority against the tyranny of the majority. As James Madison, chief framer of the Constitution, said, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” We are now in a position where that tyranny of which he spoke is a frighteningly real possibility…and some would say, an altogether too real probability. Please email or call your Senator today and voice your opposition to the Republican “nuclear option” to cripple the filibuster and thus seize control of all three branches of our government…or at the very least, follow this link to sign a petition from MoveOn PAC against the nuclear option. The future of democracy in America is at stake.

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