An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

Well, GEEZ, They Want Us To Walk Out Because THEY’RE Not Getting Paid Enough? We’re Not Musicians, We’re DANCErs! Ya Think They Played For Us Or Somethin’

2005-11-04-rockettes_strike.jpg(KETV) Radio City ‘Christmas’ Musicians Go On Strike

Why use an Omaha source for the Rockettes? Because it had the most succinct description of the issue: “The union said the Rockettes have walked out in support. But Radio City officials deny the dancers are striking in sympathy.” Mike Wallace said to Jon Stewart on The Daily Show the Rockettes were definitely walking out. Looks like the only walking they did was to the subway and back again…


Since the Rockettes didn’t join the strike, the theater management were free to play hard ball and locked out the musicians and had the dancers kickin’ to canned music. I wonder, if the Rockettes HAD walked out, would they have installed a big screen TV and used a tape of the terpsichorean troupe?