An Illustrated Guide to Mendacity and Folly in the Imperium Americanum

Another Fatwa From America’s Ayatollah? Ayatollah? Yup And I’ll A-Toll-Yah So Again!

Posted on | September 1, 2006 | No Comments


Dobbs compared Coulter to Michael Moore; she preferred Mencken or Twain

Ann Coulter Identifies John Murtha as a Target for Murder (121 comments)


Ann Coulter, the Ayatollah of rightwing fake punditry, has put a fatwa on the head of old Lincoln Chafee, showing she has much more in common with the Islamo-fascists than she likes to admit, and I don’t mean the Islamo-part. Or is this one of her famous “jokes”?

Coulter told Lou Dobbs she considered herself the right wing Mark Twain or HL Mencken, arguing for herself a wit comparable to these great men of American letters. At least she tacitly admitted that these two of our greatest minds WEREN’T right-wing, but as to whether or not her wit is their equal, I’d rather say she was the equal of a sleazy Weimar Republic cabaret host telling hate jokes (But if you could see her through my eyes, she wouldn’t look Jewish at all–CABARET). In any case, in her latest hate-spew, she suggests the wrong Lincoln got shot, as if the bigots of the world would wait 140 years to shoot Lincoln Chafee whose only sin appears to be being a Republican with the gall to think for himself. This makes him a candidate for assassination? Think, “Night of the Long Knives”!

As Hitler explained his actions on that night: “”If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge (oberster Gerichtsherr) of the German people”(Wikipedia) Night of the Long Knives, quoting Wm. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Substitute “American” for “German” and you’ll see why Bush, Coulter, and all the rest of these frighten the bejeesus out of me and why three years ago I began this illustrated journal.

In any case, here’s one of my most celebrated sketches to round out this retrospective…Have a great Labor Day holiday 🙂


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